A Note From Dr. Beverly Nelson, Director
The quote I chose as the title of this weekend’s newsletter is by Sir Winston Churchill. He was, as you perhaps already know, not only a shrewd statesman, but also an excellent public speaker and a remarkable writer. I feel this phrase of his resonates with us, in this day and age, at so many levels.
These days it’s too easy to lose sight of the essential things because we tend to focus on the ‘numbers’: how many clients we have, how many years we’ve been in a relationship, how old we are, how many appointments we have on a given day, how much money we make each month, and so on. Sometimes, when we are going through a tough time, we tend to zoom in on the numbers – we try to make sense of what is going on, and we try to solve all our problems and worries, through the numbers. After all, it’s only logical.
What if ‘doing the numbers’ isn’t always the answer? What if the answer is not in what we are getting, but in what we are giving?
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give”. The wonderful thing about generosity is that when we keep giving, if it comes from a place of love and unattached to any expectations, our glass will never be empty. The universe finds a way to keep filling it up, to the brim, again and again…Even if the persons you are giving to don’t always show gratitude or appreciation, that is not for you to judge – the joy should be in giving. That’s what life is all about. That’s what true love is.
How about you? Are you making a living – or are you making a life? I’m always listening at docbeverly@aol.com.
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