A Wise Woman
A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy. A wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim. Maya Angelou My
A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy. A wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim. Maya Angelou My
Many of you may know my dear cocker spaniel, Sophie. She’s been with me now for almost 14 years and has been my constant companion. In fact, some of my clients looked forward to seeing Sophie when they came for a session and would ask for her; if she wasn’t with me. She’s still with me although she doesn’t come to LifePath anymore. It’s difficult for her now because of her age but she seems happy at our home in the country. She has what the vets call “doggie dementia” so she gets confused but what she doesn’t get confused about is my relationship with her and how much I love her. She still bounces up and down, like a puppy, when I come home. And, I’m thrilled to see her, too.
I wasn’t expecting to come to Colorado this week but my sister, Sharon, needed me. I came. She’s been living with Parkinson’s for many years and each year has brought new challenges. This year it’s time to consider full time care. It’s a difficult decision for her and for us, her family. For her, it means loss of her independence (among many other things) and for me, it means accepting that the disease truly is progressive and that these changes are inevitable.
I know, I know. I told everyone that I wouldn’t post the newsletter this week but I just couldn’t stop myself! As you know, last week I talked about information overload and, well, I just have more information to share. Smile.
My husband, Michael, and I had dinner and a riveting conversation with Gail Sheehy this week. Gail is an American author, journalist, and lecturer and is the author of seventeen books, including Passages, named one of the ten most influential books of our times by the Library of Congress. She’s in San Miguel de Allende for the annual Writer’s Conference (https://sanmiguelwritersconference.org/) that happens each year. Last year I got to know Gail well because I had the opportunity to escort her during last years event. It was an incredible experience!
This coming week is Valentine’s Day Week and a week that is filled with messages of love everywhere we look. Each of these messages is a reminder about love and about loving. This week is a time to “show a little love” and my message is very simple and that is to encourage you to do just that. In spite of all of the chaos in the world or in your life, it’s time and it’s important. And, it doesn’t take a lot of energy, thought, or courage. As they say, “JUST DO IT”.
This week has been filled with such a mixture of emotions about what is happening in the world. On one hand, we can witness all of the upset and diversity of opinions over the changes resulting from the President’s executive orders on immigration and, on the other hand, we see the resulting expression of creativity through the written word, spoken word, art and media that is spreading throughout the world.
This week has been an intense week of heightened emotions due to the inauguration of an unpopular US President, many peaceful and not so peaceful protests and marches, flurries of news stories filled with anger, hope, sadness, excitement, etc. etc. It all felt a bit surreal, especially from a hotel room in Mexico City where my husband and I had escaped from our home construction for a few days.
I was thinking about sending a message this week that I was not feeling well and I wouldn’t be writing anything for the newsletter and then I thought “no”; I’m going to share from my heart about what I am experiencing. The reason for that is that I feel that what has been happening with me and my health is a great lesson for me and it might be for you, as well.
Looking back today on the time that I’ve spent in contemplating what I was going to say in my weekly newsletter and then writing it and then reading and responding to those of you who replied — I feel an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the privilege to connect with you in this way. There are many rewards in this connection of heart, mind and spirit. I’m often showered with wisdom from my readers. I’m often asked for advice which I share with an open heart and I am often challenged to rethink what I have written.
I’ve been so aware of all of the discord since the US Presidential election and all of the emotions that have surfaced in myself and others. I’ve searched for words to describe it, I’ve read articles, watched videos, talked to friends and family and done a lot of soul searching. And, what it has brought up for me is to continue to practice what I have learned over the years. It truly is a time to put into action everything that I believe and value and to keep an open mind and heart.
I have had such a mixture of emotions since the election this week and have found myself wanting to retreat and be in silence. In fact, I still feel a bit raw as I’m writing these words today. Yet, I feel that it is important that we all share what we’re feeling – grief, anger, fear, confusion, anxiety, hope. I have felt all of these emotions, and I’m sure there will be more to come. I also feel challenged to speak with an even stronger voice and conviction that healing on an individual and collective level IS possible.
Last week I wrote about Conscious Loving and the responses were amazing. I love hearing from you! I received such wonderful replies that I thought I’d share them with you today. They are below. But, first, I’d like to share with you what I mean by “Conscious Loving” and a “Conscious Relationship”. To me, having a conscious relationship and loving consciously means that the emphasis is on growth- physically, mentally, and spiritually.
‘ve been thinking a lot lately about what it takes to create a healthy, loving, conscious relationship because of my marriage to Michael. It’s been over a year since we were married and prior to that, I was single for many, many years. As a single woman, I continued to pursue personal growth. And, those times were filled with enormous learning and “opportunities” for growth. I think you know what I mean. Yes, I have my tongue in my cheek.
There are certain books that I have found, over the years, that I want to read over and over again because I find that in reading them my life changes. One of those is “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl written in 1962. Perhaps you’ve read it. I hope so because it is an incredibly impactful book. Each time I read it, I find some new kernel of truth that causes me to reflect on my own life.
On September 21st, we will celebrate the International Day of Peace in San Miguel de Allende from 1PM to 5PM at Parque Juarez. You can find more information about this on Facebook at Camino de la Paz. It is truly a wonderful day of celebration for World Peace and is celebrated around the world. However, I’ve found that it takes sacrifice to make it real in our day to day lives.
his Friday was my first wedding anniversary to share with Michael! Because of that, I took the opportunity to look back at the newsletter that I wrote a year ago to see what I said. And, I’m happy to say that I still feel the same way about commitment. It’s been a journey of getting to know each other in new ways and learning how to accept each other in a deeper and deeper way and also learning how to be more “transparent” and vulnerable. It hasn’t been easy, after being single for so many years, but it’s certainly been rewarding; in so many ways. And, I know now, more than ever, that commitment has been the “thread” that has helped to deepen this sacred relationship.
It would be great if everybody grew less afraid of failure as we grow older. Unfortunately, it’s not always the case. Society and western culture instill in all of us an overwhelming fear of failing at anything. Some people are so afraid that they hardly ever try anything new, much less when they are older. It’s truly heartbreaking because life is about discovering new things and having new experiences everyday. It allows us to learn and thrive.
A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy. A wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim. Maya Angelou My
Many of you may know my dear cocker spaniel, Sophie. She’s been with me now for almost 14 years and has been my constant companion. In fact, some of my clients looked forward to seeing Sophie when they came for a session and would ask for her; if she wasn’t with me. She’s still with me although she doesn’t come to LifePath anymore. It’s difficult for her now because of her age but she seems happy at our home in the country. She has what the vets call “doggie dementia” so she gets confused but what she doesn’t get confused about is my relationship with her and how much I love her. She still bounces up and down, like a puppy, when I come home. And, I’m thrilled to see her, too.
I wasn’t expecting to come to Colorado this week but my sister, Sharon, needed me. I came. She’s been living with Parkinson’s for many years and each year has brought new challenges. This year it’s time to consider full time care. It’s a difficult decision for her and for us, her family. For her, it means loss of her independence (among many other things) and for me, it means accepting that the disease truly is progressive and that these changes are inevitable.
I know, I know. I told everyone that I wouldn’t post the newsletter this week but I just couldn’t stop myself! As you know, last week I talked about information overload and, well, I just have more information to share. Smile.
My husband, Michael, and I had dinner and a riveting conversation with Gail Sheehy this week. Gail is an American author, journalist, and lecturer and is the author of seventeen books, including Passages, named one of the ten most influential books of our times by the Library of Congress. She’s in San Miguel de Allende for the annual Writer’s Conference (https://sanmiguelwritersconference.org/) that happens each year. Last year I got to know Gail well because I had the opportunity to escort her during last years event. It was an incredible experience!
This coming week is Valentine’s Day Week and a week that is filled with messages of love everywhere we look. Each of these messages is a reminder about love and about loving. This week is a time to “show a little love” and my message is very simple and that is to encourage you to do just that. In spite of all of the chaos in the world or in your life, it’s time and it’s important. And, it doesn’t take a lot of energy, thought, or courage. As they say, “JUST DO IT”.
This week has been filled with such a mixture of emotions about what is happening in the world. On one hand, we can witness all of the upset and diversity of opinions over the changes resulting from the President’s executive orders on immigration and, on the other hand, we see the resulting expression of creativity through the written word, spoken word, art and media that is spreading throughout the world.
This week has been an intense week of heightened emotions due to the inauguration of an unpopular US President, many peaceful and not so peaceful protests and marches, flurries of news stories filled with anger, hope, sadness, excitement, etc. etc. It all felt a bit surreal, especially from a hotel room in Mexico City where my husband and I had escaped from our home construction for a few days.
I was thinking about sending a message this week that I was not feeling well and I wouldn’t be writing anything for the newsletter and then I thought “no”; I’m going to share from my heart about what I am experiencing. The reason for that is that I feel that what has been happening with me and my health is a great lesson for me and it might be for you, as well.
Looking back today on the time that I’ve spent in contemplating what I was going to say in my weekly newsletter and then writing it and then reading and responding to those of you who replied — I feel an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the privilege to connect with you in this way. There are many rewards in this connection of heart, mind and spirit. I’m often showered with wisdom from my readers. I’m often asked for advice which I share with an open heart and I am often challenged to rethink what I have written.
I’ve been so aware of all of the discord since the US Presidential election and all of the emotions that have surfaced in myself and others. I’ve searched for words to describe it, I’ve read articles, watched videos, talked to friends and family and done a lot of soul searching. And, what it has brought up for me is to continue to practice what I have learned over the years. It truly is a time to put into action everything that I believe and value and to keep an open mind and heart.
I have had such a mixture of emotions since the election this week and have found myself wanting to retreat and be in silence. In fact, I still feel a bit raw as I’m writing these words today. Yet, I feel that it is important that we all share what we’re feeling – grief, anger, fear, confusion, anxiety, hope. I have felt all of these emotions, and I’m sure there will be more to come. I also feel challenged to speak with an even stronger voice and conviction that healing on an individual and collective level IS possible.
Last week I wrote about Conscious Loving and the responses were amazing. I love hearing from you! I received such wonderful replies that I thought I’d share them with you today. They are below. But, first, I’d like to share with you what I mean by “Conscious Loving” and a “Conscious Relationship”. To me, having a conscious relationship and loving consciously means that the emphasis is on growth- physically, mentally, and spiritually.
‘ve been thinking a lot lately about what it takes to create a healthy, loving, conscious relationship because of my marriage to Michael. It’s been over a year since we were married and prior to that, I was single for many, many years. As a single woman, I continued to pursue personal growth. And, those times were filled with enormous learning and “opportunities” for growth. I think you know what I mean. Yes, I have my tongue in my cheek.
There are certain books that I have found, over the years, that I want to read over and over again because I find that in reading them my life changes. One of those is “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl written in 1962. Perhaps you’ve read it. I hope so because it is an incredibly impactful book. Each time I read it, I find some new kernel of truth that causes me to reflect on my own life.
On September 21st, we will celebrate the International Day of Peace in San Miguel de Allende from 1PM to 5PM at Parque Juarez. You can find more information about this on Facebook at Camino de la Paz. It is truly a wonderful day of celebration for World Peace and is celebrated around the world. However, I’ve found that it takes sacrifice to make it real in our day to day lives.
his Friday was my first wedding anniversary to share with Michael! Because of that, I took the opportunity to look back at the newsletter that I wrote a year ago to see what I said. And, I’m happy to say that I still feel the same way about commitment. It’s been a journey of getting to know each other in new ways and learning how to accept each other in a deeper and deeper way and also learning how to be more “transparent” and vulnerable. It hasn’t been easy, after being single for so many years, but it’s certainly been rewarding; in so many ways. And, I know now, more than ever, that commitment has been the “thread” that has helped to deepen this sacred relationship.
It would be great if everybody grew less afraid of failure as we grow older. Unfortunately, it’s not always the case. Society and western culture instill in all of us an overwhelming fear of failing at anything. Some people are so afraid that they hardly ever try anything new, much less when they are older. It’s truly heartbreaking because life is about discovering new things and having new experiences everyday. It allows us to learn and thrive.
A Hero’s Journey is an eight-week experiential interactive online program designed to navigate your life transitions with greater clarity, confidence and much less stress.
Moving Abroad: A Hero’s Journey is an eight-week experiential interactive online program for personal growth and transformation.
The Enneagram: Who Am I is actually a comprehensive roadmap that will guide you through life and gift you with more awareness and insight into yourself and others.
We Will Make Sure To Keep You Updated
One of my next steps on my own journey is to continue my work as a Psychologist in offering psychotherapy sessions online. If you are interested, you can contact me at docbeverlynelson@gmail.com
I will also continue offering online courses based on the Hero’s Journey and the Enneagram. I would love to help you make your life journey one of continued increase of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction…More information can be found at: https:/lifepathmasters.pageable.com and on our website at https://lifepathmasters.com.