A Note From Dr. Beverly Nelson, Director
Each day we live is a celebration. However, there are some days that carry more meaning than others. We feel blessed to be looking forward to three of those days this very month!
December 12th marks what may be Mexico’s most important national festivity: the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Regardless of religion or beliefs, the powerful message of a female divinity as patroness of a nation can’t be denied. A lot of negative hype has surrounded 12-12-2012. This couldn’t be farther from the truth: this date is a wonderful, once in a lifetime opportunity to align energies and intentions, and thus shape our future into one full of light and positive action. Prepare for this magical date by attending our Mayan Meditation class – led by the wonderful Azenet Macedo – on December 11th from 10 to 11 am. Also, on Wednesday December 12th we invite you to take part in the SMA Meditation Community’s Silent Meditation, from 10 to 11 am.
On Saturday, December 15th, the businesses that are part of La Zona – of which LifePath Center is a member – will hold a Christmas Open House, from 4 to 8 pm. We will be sending out a special invitation soon. We’re very excited about this special event, which allows us to thank all of you, once more, for your incredible support. Expect some fabulous surprises from us that day!
Finally, on December 21st, 2012, we will greet the Mayan New Year in a very special and meaningful way! Read below for more specific details. We really hope you can join us in welcoming a new era, full of truth, evolution and positive energies, that will bring awareness to humanity in a completely different way.
Looking forward to celebrating with YOU!