People find meaning and redemption in the most unusual human connections. – Khaled Hosseini
We are making connections all the time, whether we realize/intend it or not. When we have ideas, we are connecting concepts. When we meet someone new, we are connecting with them but we may also end up connecting them to other people we know.
I find that we have to keep our ‘antennas’ up if we want to make magic happen. Being in the moment and paying attention to the present always helps. On several occasions, through connection, I’ve discovered solutions that were there all along. How many times do you stumble upon an answer and think: “why hadn’t I thought of this?”. This is what comes to mind when we haven’t been paying attention – we get so absorbed by ‘problems’ that we don’t see that the solutions are already there.
Think about the magic of making people come together, as well. Maybe you just happen to meet someone and for some reason, another person or a thing comes to mind while you are looking at them. It’s like the universe is giving you a little nudge, whispering to you: “hey, wouldn’t it be great if you played a part in these 2 persons finding one another?”. Creating connections is one of the most magical things we can do for others, because any number of wonderful things can come out of it – for others and also for ourselves.
Another important aspect is that we must nurture the connections we already have in our lives. Take the time to check in with your loved ones, and be mindful of treating everyone with respect. Harmony attracts harmony – it’s the ‘oil’ that connections require to keep working.
When did you last check the state of your connections? Have you played a part in connecting people and made magic happen? I’m always listening at