Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy & Brazilian Lower Body Workout

Though at times we look for outside sources to guide us, somewhere deep inside we know that we must slow down, reconnect with ourselves, and listen to our own inner voice.
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy & Brazilian Lower Body WorkoutPhoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, through a combination of classical yoga techniques and elements of contemporary body-mind psychology, encourages this deeper connection with self. Through this deeper connection, we are able to know ourselves more fully. And out of this knowing, we are more easily moved to embrace the opportunity for change, growth and enhanced well being in body, feelings, thought, and spirit.
  • Monday: Learn about Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy from an expert. Mary Lussier demonstrates this unique healing modality. 2-3:30 PM. Drop-ins welcome.

  • NEW, starting Tuesday: beauty ‘south of the border’ — Brazilian Butt Workout with our Pilates instructor, Lori Midrano. Tu and Th 4-5 PM.
  • On Tuesday and Thursday, more presentations on the new Social Media, and how you can use it to enhance your powers of communication and connection. Computer expert Shari Reynolds teaches the hour-long workshops: this week and next, T and Th, 11 AM-12 Noon.
  • Also on Tuesday Author Helen Rivas-Rose offers the first of two workshops on the subject of Overcoming Shyness, Tu 11 AM-1 PM.

On Tuesday evening, the new group, Seriously San Miguel, a forum for exchanging ideas and concerns about expat living in San Miguel. Topics may include issues such as the changing character of the town, security, cost of living, traffic, information sharing, pollution, distance from family, apprehensions, medical considerations, relationships, cross-cultural matters, community involvement, general quality of life, and others. Moderated by community leader David Bossman. Tu 6:30-8 PM.
  • And a new class, Stretching for Life, Simple, easy stretches for promoting better general health — increase circulation, range-of-motion, strength, and flexibility. Led by star of Gravity Works, massage therapist and integrative bodyworker, Irma Huerta. MWF 9-10 AM. (class is limited to 6).

On Tuesday, 1:30-3:30 PM, Ravi Nathwani explores Poetry of the Spirit and Consciousness — spiritual poetry of the past 1000 years. Join author Ravi for this popular class (come early!). Ravi returns on Friday for his class on The Law of Karma: Rebirth and Reincarnation, F 1:30-3 PM.

Also on Tuesdays, at 4 PM, author Joseph Dispenza teaches you how to interpret your dreams.

  • Wednesday is the remarkable course on Evolutionary Astrology with Astrologer Mónica Garciadiego. A full course with Certification from the National Council on Geocosmic Research. In Spanish, with help for English-speakers from bilingual instructor.
  • Thursday, writing takes center stage with Judyth Hill’s amazing classes: WildWriters of San Miguel, poetry in the morning, prose in the afternoon.

Don’t forget our excellent Yoga classes with Anabel Cardenas Dugal (Mon, Thurs, Fri), Pilates classes with Lori Midrano and Tai Chi with Cati Demme (Mon, Thurs, Sat).

And, of course, check out the services of all our wellness practitioners.

All these, and much more! Check our class schedule for all our classes.

See you at LifePath Center,

Joseph and Beverly

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A Hero’s Journey is an eight-week experiential interactive online program designed to navigate your life transitions with greater clarity, confidence and much less stress.

Moving Abroad: A Hero’s Journey is an eight-week experiential interactive online program for personal growth and transformation.

The Enneagram: Who Am I is actually a comprehensive roadmap that will guide you through life and gift you with more awareness and insight into yourself and others.


We Will Make Sure To Keep You Updated

One of my next steps on my own journey is to continue my work as a Psychologist in offering psychotherapy sessions online. If you are interested, you can contact me at

I will also continue offering online courses based on the Hero’s Journey and the Enneagram. I would love to help you make your life journey one of continued increase of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction…More information can be found at: https:/ and on our website at
