We rarely see our own flaws. Even if we do, it’s always a great challenge to acknowledge them. Of course, most of us like to think that we do our best to live a peaceful, happy life – we tend to think that we never make mistakes or that, if we do, they are entirely unintentional and couldn’t have been prevented.
Many personality traits that are praised in the business world are effective, yet they can be damaging for our souls; or even disrupt other people’s lives, if we apply them to our personal matters. Being too demanding, or too straight forward, can come across as intimidating to our friends, loved ones and co-workers. Even in business, a human factor must be preserved and cherish – a certain degree of warmth and humanity can get you a lot further, even in business, than a cold, straight-to-the-point attitude.
In many ways, the most important form of honesty is the one that we have with ourselves. It can be brutal, yes – but if we try to be mindful of our actions and words, examining our actions can be a much ‘lighter’ experience, don’t you agree? If we always carry ourselves in a positive, peaceful way – rather than ‘bullying’ our way into matters, trying to always get the upper hand -; and if we put ourselves into the other person’s shoes, we will rarely regret our words or our actions.
How often do you examine your own attitude? Is your perception of yourself in tune with reality? I’m always listening at docbeverly@aol.com.