A Time Sensitive Note

“The call to adventure signifies that destiny has summoned the hero.” Joseph Campbell

As some of you may know, my life has taken some new twists and turns and I’m now happily married, living in the country outside of San Miguel de Allende, just turned 70, and semi-retired from my Psychology practice. And, my daughter, Alli, is now in charge of LifePath Center. She gave up her Immigration Law Practice and moved all the way from Portland, Oregon to take on this new position. Big changes and big adjustments. It’s been quite a journey! But, the journey is not over, it is just taking some exciting new directions!

I’m writing to you now because I know that you’ve experienced a Hero’s Journey Retreat sometime in the past.  For some of you, it’s been years since your experience and for others, it’s been more recent. This Hero’s Journey retreat experience has spanned 18 years!

The exciting news is that my husband, Michael, and I are creating a comprehensive online version of the Hero’s Journey Retreat with lots of very effective high-tech “bells and whistles”.  And, I’d like for you to be part of it by sharing your testimonial of your past Hero’s Journey experience.  As a Hero’s Journey alum we also want to offer you a 50% discount off of the course price once it is published. We will send you an alum code to qualify you for this special offer, if you are interested. Of course, the discount is not at all dependent on you sharing your experience but it would help us, a lot, if you would be willing to do so.

So please reach back and remember what your experience was like for you and how it may have affected and benefited your life. And then write us a paragraph or even a sentence sharing what you gained from the experience.
We really appreciate your contribution in helping us to reach a new and much larger audience. We believe this technology will allow us to help many more people benefit from the Hero’s Journey experience.

If you can help us in our efforts, please send us your experience as soon as possible. We are currently in the process of creating this exciting new way to share the Hero’s Journey and have a major international conference coming up at the end of October where it will be featured. We’d love for your testimonial to be part of that! If you have time, I’d also love to hear about what’s happening in your life. And, please let us know if you’d like that alum code for the 50% discount off of the course price. I really think you’ll like it! We’ll also be creating a Facebook community page, as part of the course, so you can reconnect with some of your fellow travelers and meet new ones!
You can reach me at docbeverly@aol.com with your information.  And, if you don’t want me to use your name, just let me know. However, we would like to know what City and State you live in now and what you are up to now, if you don’t mind!

In gratitude for this next journey in my life! Beverly

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A Hero’s Journey is an eight-week experiential interactive online program designed to navigate your life transitions with greater clarity, confidence and much less stress.

Moving Abroad: A Hero’s Journey is an eight-week experiential interactive online program for personal growth and transformation.

The Enneagram: Who Am I is actually a comprehensive roadmap that will guide you through life and gift you with more awareness and insight into yourself and others.


We Will Make Sure To Keep You Updated

One of my next steps on my own journey is to continue my work as a Psychologist in offering psychotherapy sessions online. If you are interested, you can contact me at docbeverlynelson@gmail.com

I will also continue offering online courses based on the Hero’s Journey and the Enneagram. I would love to help you make your life journey one of continued increase of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction…More information can be found at: https:/lifepathmasters.pageable.com and on our website at https://lifepathmasters.com.
