SPECIAL! Cofe Fiakpui will be back by popular demand, Mar 28-31. Hundreds in San Miguel can attest to Cofe’s unique healing gifts. His schedule usually fill up as soon as his visit is announced. For an appointment: email beverly@lifepathretreats.com or phone 154.8465.
THIS JUST IN! On Thursday, we are hosting spiritual teacher Bill Foss for a Talk and Guided Meditation on the The Art of Spiritual Abundance. The presentation is made possibe by Lemuria Center in Guanajuato State. For full details, contact Laurel Daniel at lemuriaretreats@gmail.com.or phone 415.105.8051. An extraordinary opportunity to hear a seasoned speaker on this important topic.
Happy (Astrological) New Year! Hear Astrologer Monica Garciadiego speak about the big changes coming up for the world.
Soul & Cinema. It’s not your parents’ Ten Commandments.Every Monday, we are screening episodes from The Decalogue (Ten Commandments) of the late Polishdirector, Krzysztof Kieslowski.
PLUS all these great offerings…
- Monday: A shaman is one who goes to the other side to bring back important information for the tribe. Modern shamans go deep into their intuitive reserves and bring healing back to an individual. Monday: Cranio-Sacral Therapists and contemporary shamans Eduardo Morales and Silvia Vega will be here from Tepoztlan. This is a unique opportunity to experience healing on many levels. Contact Dr.Beverly Nelson for an appointment. (Monday only)
- Monday: Anita Von Ballmoos brings out your inner artist with her class, The Liberating Spirit of Art. M 11AM-1 PM.
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday: a new class, Stretching for Life, Simple, easy stretches for promoting better general health — increase circulation, range-of-motion, strength, and flexibility. Led by star of Gravity Works, massage therapist and integrative bodyworker, Irma Huerta. MWF 9-10 AM. (class is limited to 6).
- Tuesday: Ravi Nathwani explores The Law of Karma — the last in his popular series…don’t miss it (come early!). Tu 1:30-3 PM.
- Tuesday: Beauty ‘south of the border’ — Brazilian Butt Workout with our Pilates instructor, Lori Midrano. Tu and Th 4-5 PM.
- Also on Tuesdays, at 4 PM, author Joseph Dispenza teaches you how to interpret your dreams.
- Thursday: writing takes center stage with Judyth Hill’s amazing classes: WildWriters of San Miguel, poetry in the morning, prose in the afternoon.
- Note: the discussion group Seriously San Miguel will not meet this Tuesday.
Don’t forget our excellent Yoga classes with Anabel Cardenas Dugal (Mon, Thurs, Fri), Pilates classes with Lori Midrano and Tai Chi with Cati Demme (Mon, Thurs, Sat).
And, of course, check out the services of all our wellness practitioners.
All these, and much more! Check our class schedule for all our classes.
See you at LifePath Center,
Joseph and Beverly