“It’s not your job to like me, it’s mine.” Byron Katie
Terry Cole-Whittaker wrote a book years ago called, “What You Think Of Me, Is None Of My Business”. The title of that book has stayed in my memory since I read it and I often think of it when I have been confronted by situations that challenge my liking myself. One of the goals of my life has been to be independent of the opinions of others. However, some days I seem to be closer to that goal and other days, I’m not so close.
Many great teachers have taught this as a worthy goal in one way or another. Depak Chopra says, “What other people think of you is not your business. If you start to make that business your business, you will be offended for the rest of your life.” Yet, it isn’t easy, is it? It is a strong tendency to be affected by the opinions of others and to adapt our lives accordingly. I know I have.
So, I started looking for information about how I could better reach my goal. In my search, I found something very simple and, I think, important that I’d like to share with you. Wildmind Buddhist Meditation (click on the link below for more information) posted a blog that said, “The way to get past not liking yourself isn’t trying to like yourself more: it’s being kinder to yourself.” And, I believe that the kinder we are to ourselves (and others); the less influenced we are by others opinions. I’m going to try that. Will you?
I’m eager to hear back from you at docbeverly@aol.com.