A Note From Dr. Beverly Nelson, Director
Time to celebrate the Independence Day of an amazing country: our home, MEXICO!
San Miguel de Allende represents the best of Mexico: a nation with one foot in the past that honors tradition; while the other foot is planted in the present and future of a thriving country; full of energy, hope, and the desire to do well.
Mexico, and Mexicans, can teach us a great deal. The Mexican attitude towards life, while not always ideal, holds important lessons. Mexicans have fun while they do every single activity, no matter how busy their routine is. For a Mexican, laughter and good humor are crucial – they’re the spice of daily life! Now think: how many times do you have fun each day? Maybe you need to laugh more – the Mexican way!
Another quality I really admire about Mexicans is that, no matter how difficult things get; no matter how unfair a situation is; they always carry on, working hard, looking forward to the day when things will get better. The Mexican spirit is tenacious, optimistic and unbeatable. It is so ingrained in Mexican culture, that Mexicans themselves seldom notice that admirable quality about themselves anymore. We would do well in trying to emulate Mexicans in this aspect.
Finally, as a foreigner who lives in this beautiful city, I am always so grateful for the generosity and warmth of Mexicans. In this cultural crossroads that is San Miguel, Mexicans have always been an example of tolerance, acceptance and love. They are completely open and welcoming. So many of us could learn from this Mexican lesson! Can you imagine how much better the world would be, if we all shared in the Mexican perspective of sharing and living together; in an atmosphere of celebration and joy?
There are so many more ways to celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day than just drinking tequila and eating Mexican food (which I don’t object to, of course!): learn more about Mexico’s Independence Day celebrations here, here and here. If you like to read, why not pick one book by one of these renowned Mexican authors ? Celebrate Mexico’s past, present and future – and see what we can learn from its tremendously vast culture.
Viva Mexico!
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