“Staying Well in San Miguel” continues this Tuesday at the discussion group, Seriously San Miguel, a forum for exchanging ideas and concerns about expat living.
- This Tuesday, Apr 12: Dr. Cesar Gil Hoyas, who is both a medical doctor and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, speaks on this subject and answers your questions from his special perspective.
Apr 16-19: Eduardo Morales from Tepoztlan in residence. Eduardo and his wife, Silvia Vega, are Cranio-Sacral and Polarity Therapists. These remarkable tools for healing must be experienced to be believed — addressing the whole person, these modalities bring balance back to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Click here for details on how to sign up for an appointment.
Join Dr. Cynthia Miller for a transformational process — ongoing weekly-guided visualization mediations, which will focus on a different topic each week.
Soul & Cinema. These short films are on just about every film critic’s Ten Best List. We are screening the entire Decalogue (Ten Commandments) of the late Polish director, Krzysztof Kieslowski. This week, the Fourth Commandment.
- And…beauty ‘down south’ — Brazilian Butt Workout with our Pilates instructor, Lori Midrano. Tu and Th 4-5 PM.
- And a new class, Stretching for Life, Simple, easy stretches for promoting better general health — increase circulation, range-of-motion, strength, and flexibility. Led by star of Gravity Works, massage therapist and integrative bodyworker, Irma Huerta. MWF 9-10 AM. (class is limited to 6).
- Tuesday, at 4 PM, author Joseph Dispenza teaches you how to interpret your dreams.
- Wednesday is the remarkable course on Evolutionary Astrology with Astrologer Mónica Garciadiego. A full course with Certification from the National Council on Geocosmic Research. In Spanish, with help for English-speakers from bilingual instructor.
- Thursday, writing takes center stage with Judyth Hill’s amazing classes: WildWriters of San Miguel, poetry in the morning, prose in the afternoon.
Don’t forget our excellent Yoga classes with Anabel Cardenas Dugal (Mon & Thurs), Pilates classes with Lori Midrano and Tai Chi with Cati Demme (Mon, Thurs, Sat). And our arti classes: The Liberating Spirit of Art with Anita van Ballmoos (Mon) and The Art of Drawing with Cati Demme (Wed).
And, of course, check out the services of all our wellness practitioners.
All these, and much more! Check our class schedule for all our classes.
See you at LifePath Center,
Joseph and Beverly