The Magic of Visualization

“Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein

After almost one year, we’ll be finished next week with the remodeling/creation of our home! As this moment of completion is approaching, I have been reflecting on the process of how it came to be. I remember the day that Michael and I talked about how we wanted to create our home into something that we both loved and one in which we could truly call “ours”. I immediately had a “vision” of what the house would look like if it were a Spanish Colonial instead of the modern house that it was. And, I “believed” it was possible.
We contacted several architects and all said that it either couldn’t be done or that it would be very difficult. But, I didn’t give up because I “saw” it and I “believed” it and I was “certain” that it was possible. And, then, we talked to an architect that said “Yes”, it can be done! That was our guy! And, it happened. Thought you might like to see a photo of the modern house. It is above. And, a photo of the “new” house is below. You can even get a glimpse of our beloved “Sophie” on the terrace.
What I’ve been reflecting on is “The Law of Manifestation”. To me, and according to all that I have learned over the years, the power that was behind the creation of our new home was to first visualize it, then to really believe it and then to take action on it to get the results we wanted. I checked my experience out by doing some “surfing” on the subject and I ran across a YouTube video by Tony Robbins called “The Magic of Visualization”. In this video, he talks about how to use the power of visualization to create belief and certainty towards the achievement of your goal. He believes that to build a mindset to create what you want; you must include 4 steps:
1. Potential- this is actually what you believe is possible
2. Action- literally taking action on what you believe
3. Results- the results are equal to the amount of belief and action that you take and that:
4. Reinforces your belief
He says that all of this is backed by a state of certainty that affects your potential. My experience exactly!
I’ve attached the video below because I thought you might find it interesting. I found it both confirming and inspiring. Hope you enjoy it!
I’m sure you’ve also had experiences of manifestation, haven’t you? Is there something that is stopping you from creating what you want? I’d love to hear from you at about your thoughts. I truly would.
In Gratitude, Beverly

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