- On Tuesday, we are offering the first of four dazzling presentations on the new Social Media, and how you can use it to enhance your powers of communication and connection. Computer expert Shari Reynolds teaches the hour-long workshops: this week and next, T and Th, 11 AM-12 Noon.
- On Wednesday, Author Helen Rivas-Rose gives a free talk on Overcoming Shyness and offers two follow-up workshops on the subject, on Mar 8 and 15. W, 4-5 PM.
- And on Saturday and Sunday Master Clown Jef Johnson presents his amazing 2-day workshop Touch the Moon. A fantastic opportunity to learn how to express the real you.
And a new class, Stretching for Life, Simple, easy stretches for promoting better general health — increase circulation, range-of-motion, strength, and flexibility. Led by star of Gravity Works, massage therapist and integrative bodyworker, Irma Huerta. MWF 9-10 AM. (class is limited to 6).
On Tuesday, 1:30-3:30 PM, Ravi Nathwani explores Poetry of the Spirit and Consciousness — spiritual poetry of the past 1000 years. Join author Ravi for this popular class (come early!). Ravi returns on Friday for his class on The Law of Karma, F 1:30-3 PM.
Also on Tuesdays, at 4 PM, author Joseph Dispenza teaches you how to interpret your dreams.
Wednesday is the remarkable course on Evolutionary Astrology with Astrologer Mónica Garciadiego. A full course with Certification from the National Council on Geocosmic Research. In Spanish, with help for English-speakers from bilingual instructor.
A perfect way to celebrate the Age of Aquarius.
Don’t forget our excellent Yoga classes with Anabel Cardenas Dugal (Mon, Thurs, Fri), Pilates classes with Lori Midrano and Tai Chi with Cati Demme (Mon, Thurs, Sat).
And, of course, check out the services of all our wellness practitioners.
All these, and much more! Check our class schedule for all our classes.
See you at LifePath Center,
Joseph and Beverly