Talking about awareness does not equal awareness
Awareness and Mindfulness are THE topics, nowadays. A lot of people talk about how important it is to be aware of the universe; and how we should always be mindful of our actions and thoughts.
But – how many of us actually walk the talk?
The best way to cultivate awareness and mindfulness is through example: be a model of conduct for both. How can we recommend mindfulness and awareness, if we constantly disrespect those around us? Think about the last time you evaluated your own actions and your behavior. Or, do we ever do that at all?
Every minute we interact with others – whether it’s people or animals; both are equally important in the universe – we have a chance to really pay attention to who they are, and what they need from us. Sometimes it’s the other way around: we need to get rid of our judgments and realize that it is us who need something from them. The tone of our voice, a smile, or even a look: we have to notice how our actions affect others, and try not to affect other people’s days in a negative way.
Spreading awareness and mindfulness with words is important. But being congruent is even more so. Don’t you agree? I’m always happy to read you at