LifePathMasters.com is the vision and co-creation of Michael Lee Bartlett. Mr. Bartlett has a 40+ years of experience as a successful entrepreneur, psychotherapist, educator, consultant, coach and businessman. He has been the founder or co-founder of many varied and successful ventures in the following industries and/or professions:
- computers and technology
- education and audiovisual program instruction
- video and film production
- psychotherapy
- real estate development
- restaurant and catering.
Michael’s only job working for a company that was not of his personal creation was with the Data Processing Division of IBM in the early and mid-1960s. He was trained as a programmer, then a systems analyst and then as a sales representative selling some of the earliest commercial computer systems to industry.
Michael left IBM in 1967 to join with two other ex-IBMer’s in creating Edutronics Systems International Inc. Edutronics created and produced animated film and video combined with supplemental programmed instruction material that taught computer concepts and systems to industry and government. At its height, Edutronics was employing most of the animation houses in the industry including Walt Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Walter Lantz and others in the creation of animation cells for its material. Edutronics numbered among its customers most Fortune 500 corporations and many large governmental agencies. Edutronics multimedia audiovisual programmed-instruction was psycho-metrically proven to teach the same material in one hour that took eight hours to teach in class and to do so with better retention.
In 1969, a scheduled Edutronics IPO to be underwritten by Hambrecht and Quist, was abandoned when Venture Capital money disappeared after America’s first “high tech bubble” burst (the dot.com bubble of the 1990’s was America’s second). At that time computers capable of creating animation did not exist so all animated cells had to be drawn by hand… a very expensive process. Running out of capital, Edutronics was acquired shortly thereafter by Simon & Schuster the New York publishing house.
Also 1969, after years of 60 hour work weeks, and being frequently absent from home building a national sales organization, Michael’s marriage ended in divorce. He was awarded custody of his two young daughters ages five and seven. With this new responsibility, he had to change his life and work to be more home-oriented to support and care for his daughters.
To that end, in 1970 he applied for and was accepted into psychotherapy and eventually into the training program at the Primal Institute in Los Angeles, California. In 1971 he moved from Los Angeles to Somerset Pennsylvania for continued training with Dr. Ronald Reese, Ph.D. at the Woodbine Center for Primal Living.
In 1973 he relocated to Woodstock, New York where he established a psychotherapy practice and founded Ashwood Primal Center. Michael practiced as a psychotherapist in Woodstock for seven years and with a staff of five therapists and trainees established a vibrant therapeutic community.
In 1979 Michael transferred ownership and control of Ashwood to his staff and relocated to New York City. This move initiated the return to his entrepreneurial roots. Over the next ten years, during the decade of the 1980’s he created and developed multiple successful real estate ventures in Manhattan. It was also during this same period that he established and operated Joanna, one of New York City’s premier restaurants of that decade.
When New York real estate experienced a downward cycle at the end of the 80’s he liquidated his property and business interests and moved to Florida. He spent several years in the early and mid-90’s establishing and operating RTX Corp., a wireless telephone technology and manufacturing company. Michael eventually closed the company after the untimely death of the company’s technology creator and innovator.
Through the remainder of the nineties up till 2006 he lived a semi-retired lifestyle. He was still open to opportunities but nothing substantial came along to take him away from the golf course.
In 2006 he said enough to golf and decided to completely change his life. He and his wife Susan decided to shake things up and they expatriated to the Republic of Panama. Revitalized and re-energized, he began to re-explore his first loves of computer technology, teaching, coaching and the potential for human transformative educational processes.
With a vision of what was to come, in May 2006 he conceptualized and registered the domain for repassionate.com and then later repassionatecouples.com, repassionatecouplesretreats.com, lifepathtransformation.com and lifepathmasters.com. His vision of a transformational internet platform with registered domains is now ten years into the development process.
From 2007 to 2013 Michael identified, sought out and studied with the foremost trainers and business educators in the new world of marketing, teaching and training on the Internet. He spent six years, tens of thousands of dollars and made multiple international trips to learn from and work with the leading Internet education and training experts of the world such as Armand Morin, Ryan Deiss and Frank Kern. The education, training and knowledge he gained from this experience greatly expanded his realization of the immense potential offered by online education and most importantly what is required to create a powerful and transformational platform that would succeed online.
In March of 2013 Michael’s wife Susan was diagnosed with cancer and died two months later. Life in Panama as he knew it was over and he began to look for a new home. It took a year to find this new home in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and another year to get settled there.
Almost immediately, upon moving to San Miguel, Michael met and became close friends with Beverly Nelson. They discovered that they had much in common in their desire to help people transform their lives for the better. Beverly had extensive experience as a psychologist, educator, therapist and retreat developer and leader. Michael had his experience as an educator, entrepreneur, psychotherapist and technologist. They begin to collaborate on ideas as to how they could work together and eventually chose the ultimate collaboration of marriage.
The ultimate manifestation of the exciting new collaboration has been the creation of LifePathMasters.com. Michael and Beverly’s initial collaboration for LifePath Masters is an online version of “The Hero’s Journey” retreat. Hero’s Journey retreats have been conducted for 25 years and helped thousands of people to transform their lives. The new interactive online version of this transformational retreat will be available the first quarter of 2018.