Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you. – Loretta Young

Right now, in the third stage of my life, I am gloriously happy and humbled at the same time; because the Universe has blessed me. Rather than finding love, love found me.
Like everyone else – although perhaps a bit more emphatically because of my work as a Psychologist and healer – I have spent my whole life learning about love. I believe that love is at the core of every essential lesson we learn in life. One of the most important lessons we learn is to be fully present in our lives, at all times, so that we can fully grasp the blessings the Universe bestows upon us; as well as receive the messages that are sent our way so that we can live in a path of grace, happiness, and abundance. Love cannot find us if we are not present – therefore, it fills me with joy and reassurance that at this point of the road, love has been able to find me. It means I’m present. It means I’m truly alive, in every sense of the word.
Being in a romantic relationship when you’re older brings to the forefront many matters that, when you were younger, you didn’t give much thought to. You are able to be yourself without any kind of restraint. You hold nothing back. You know that what matters is the moment you’re living right now; rather than worrying about what was said last week or what will happen tomorrow. It is the ultimate and most beautiful lesson: shared presence. This, to me, is the very definition of love. Thank you, Michael Bartlett, for being present with me.
Let love find you present. And remember that it’s never too late for the Universe to surprise you.
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