It’s time for PEACE


Dr. Beverly NelsonWe read about awful things that happen in our community and in the rest of Mexico: all that violence is so difficult to witness, and it greatly affects our states of mind. Violence generates hate and fear – if we let these feelings thrive, peace can never prosper within any given environment.

What is the first step to take to achieve peace? Do we need to march down the streets; speak in favor of peace at public events; donate to pro-peace charities? All of those are great options – but none of them are the first step. You know where peace begins? That’s right: it begins with YOU.

Bring peace wherever you go. When confronted with insult or hate, respond from love – don’t react to another person’s anger with more anger. Help others, and let go of your ego – remember that everything in life is not about you. Try not to talk ill of anyone; this alone will do wonders for your state of mind. Spend time by yourself everyday, just sitting or walking, taking in the message of the universe: peace is our natural state.

Be peaceful, and your environment will be peaceful too.

This morning, during a two hour meeting at LifePath Center, an initiative to achieve Peace in San Miguel de Allende was launched – the tentative name is “PEACE San Miguel / PAZ San Miguel” and believe me: there is a huge interest from our multicultural community to do all we can to make Peace happen, and to put an end to violence of all kinds. You will be hearing a lot about Peace NOW / Paz AHORA in the coming weeks and months – we hope you will join us in creating peace for our San Miguel de Allende

How do you contribute to peace every day? Do you think you could do more? Drop me a line at

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