The Hero's Journey Retreat
“We must let go of the life we have planned, so we can accept the one that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
- Retrace your life’s history to identify old patterns and assumptions that need your attention
- Understand what has been holding you back from the fullest expression of yourself
- Go beyond doubt, fear, and procrastination
- Let go of old, self-limiting stories that interfere with your heart’s desire
- Design the kind of life you have always imagined for yourself
- Create a personal game plan to actualize the insights and commitments you experienced on retreat
Facilitated by Psychologist/Director of LifePath Center, Dr. Beverly Nelson and Therapist/Innovator, Michael Bartlett, The Hero’s Journey Retreat blends ancient and contemporary wisdom, using a time-tested model for meaningful and sustainable personal growth.
“The retreat was a wonderfully eye opening experience! I went to the retreat thinking it was going to be a tune-up, or polishing for my emotional/spiritual self. Much to my surprise, it was so much more than that! With the guidance of the facilitators, I entered the sacred space of the Hero’s Journey and found a new me that was wanting to be seen and heard. I now have the tools, new friendships/allies to continue my journey for life!”
– Denise Swensen
“I was questioning how to move forward and reinvent my life. The facilitators helped me see where I was standing in my own way and gave me the tools and insights I was missing. The interaction and insight from the other group members was a huge part of my journey, as well. I am grateful for the connections I made at LifePath and look forward to returning.”
– Kathy Wise
“I have lived my life building and hiding behind my “brick” wall and thought I had a pretty strong foundation. Then I met the facilitators and my new allies. Each of them, in their own caring way, helped me identify and eliminate my barriers; and, to experience “intimacy” beyond my wall. No matter how bad it was growing up or life currently is, the possibility of change and growth is out there. You just need to open your eyes and be willing to do the work. I am grateful I opened my eyes and had the courage to start my journey.”
– Eric S.
“LifePath (the 7 day version!) was a seminal experience in my own transformation, and it was you and Joseph who inspired me to be in service to people and start my healing practise, Awakening Mind, 12 years ago now (can you believe where the time has gone??). My client roster is full every week now, and like you, I feel so privileged to be doing work that feels like a contribution to so many people. I’ll never forget when you shared with me your own personal healing mantra: “I am a channel of healing for myself and others.” That’s been my own mantra since, and what a ride it’s been on my own healing journey, and supporting others to face their shadow and grow into the light of their potential for wellbeing and love!”
– David Raphael
Full day of group interaction with the facilitators with a break for lunch. The remainder of each day is reserved for rest, relaxation, spa treatments, and self-guided retreat activities.
Dependent on length of retreat. Some retreats are 3 days and others are 5 days. Includes a pre-retreat Call to Journeyconversation with the facilitators to clarify your intention, lunches, and retreat materials. Does not include transportation, lodging, or spa treatments.
Your choice. If room is available at the time you book, we recommend that you stay at LifePath Retreat Center in the heart of town or you can arrange your own accommodations.
Email us at info@lifepathmasters