Coming Together in Meditation to achieve Peace in our Community

A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe. – Wayne Dyer

ImageWhile it’s very nice to be surrounded by visual harmony, I have to say that the main reason why all of us at LifePath Center have pursued the project of beautifying the walkway of Rinconada de La Aldea – with the continuous support from many of you who are reading this! – is spiritual.
You see, our souls have more clarity and peace when we are in a pleasant and safe physical environment. Our thought process becomes clearer, and even our heart rate normalizes. This beauty brings peace, and it fills our minds and bodies with a sheer sense of joy.
The fantastic murals and the lovely plants and flowers that currently grace the walkway are also a way to establish a sense of community: it is there for all of us to enjoy, and it is something that in a way belongs to each and every one of us. I can’t tell you how many times people mention to me that it makes them so happy to come here: friends, guests, clients, neighbors…The change is palpable.
Therefore, it makes me extremely happy to formally announce that a Meditation Garden across from LifePath Center is in the works! The Meditation Garden will also include a labyrinth and a temazcal. How wonderful is that? We have a committee including members from LifePath Center (myself, Azenet Macedo, and David Manning) and the SMA Meditation Community (Kay Giddens, Diana Ellsworth and Carol Lopes). Our main goal is to offer a beautiful and peaceful space for meditation, which will benefit the wonderful community here in San Miguel de Allende, generating more peace and happiness.
As you may imagine, for a project like this, volunteers are much wanted, needed, and appreciated!  We’re having our first clean up and preparation of the site on Saturday, April 18th from 9AM to 2PM.  We’ll meet at Rinconada de la Aldea #29 (LifePath Center) and it’s right across the walkway. It’s not necessary to come for the entire 5 hours, but if you can donate that much of your time, it will be appreciated. Bring a sack lunch if needed. Water will be provided. Please bring gloves to protect your hands.
The following items are needed for the cleanup:
  • Heavy Duty Lawn Bags
  • Rakes
  • Shovels
  • Tree and branch trimmers
  • Machetes
  • Wheel Barrows
Please e-mail me at and/or Kay Giddens (who is coordinating this event) at if you are able to come and/or if you can bring any of the items. We will keep a list of items that will be brought, as well as a list of volunteers.
We’re really looking forward to seeing you there! Thanks for your support in spreading the peace and the beauty in Rinconada de La Aldea and beyond!!! ​​

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