Build Your Name

Let your name radiate your self, magnify who you are, your good deeds, your code of honor. Build your name and as you go through life, your name will serve you. – Patti Smith

Build Your Name
(Photo credit: Todd McIntosh)

We all have a name: either the one we received upon birth from our parents; or one we chose for ourselves later in life. Either way, our name comes to symbolize who we are. It tells our story, and it is the ‘flag’ under which we go through the path of our life. In business and in our personal life, our name is extremely valuable.

We own our name in full only when we take responsibility for our actions, for our thoughts and for our promises. People who cross paths with us think of our name as an inseparable element from our body and our being. It is much more than a matter of good or bad ‘P.R.’ – keeping our name in positive light for ourselves and for others is a spiritual action; because our name outlives us. It resonates in good or bad frequencies within the spirits of others, and within the universe.

Sometimes we may find it difficult to honour our name. When this happens, it often is because we said ‘yes’ or ‘no’ too fast. I find that being mindful always helps me to avoid situations that may compromise my good name later on. Every decision should be made in a mindful state, and also with enough time to make a choice; because the consequences of not thinking things through and decide too fast may have an impact that goes beyond what we would expect. Being mindful and honest always works; both for professional and personal situations.

What about your name? Are you keeping it in good condition? I look forward to your replies at

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Moving Abroad: A Hero’s Journey is an eight-week experiential interactive online program for personal growth and transformation.

The Enneagram: Who Am I is actually a comprehensive roadmap that will guide you through life and gift you with more awareness and insight into yourself and others.


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One of my next steps on my own journey is to continue my work as a Psychologist in offering psychotherapy sessions online. If you are interested, you can contact me at

I will also continue offering online courses based on the Hero’s Journey and the Enneagram. I would love to help you make your life journey one of continued increase of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction…More information can be found at: https:/ and on our website at
