One kind word can warm three winter months. -Japanese proverb

When it comes to the human spirit, I think that it also tends to shine more powerfully during troubled times. Just like soil, water, and sun contribute to the blooming of flowers during the winter months; we can contribute to the blooming of our souls – and other people’s souls – through kindness.
A smile; a soothing word; a hug; a little thoughtful detail (a flower, a cup of tea, a chocolate or a great book you’ve just finished reading; just to name a few examples) can work miracles in the life of someone who is going through difficult times. These kind gestures cost nothing, or next to nothing, and go a long way. They signal our love and appreciation. So, whether you show some kindness to yourself if you’re facing tough situations; or you want to manifest kindness towards a friend or neighbor; rest assured that you’re contributing to the blooming of love in the universe.
What was the last kind act you performed? I would love to read about it at