Improve your relationship to money with Business Coach Aysha Griffin
Aysha is a Marketing and Communications professional, entrepreneur, writer/editor and desktop publishing pioneer. Since 1985, she has helped hundreds of businesses, organizations and professionals to clarify their vision and achieve their goals. A lifelong student of Philosophy and Mind-Body-Spirit Awareness, she is also a certified Relationship Coach and Faculty Member of the Hendricks Institute / Foundation for 21st Century Leadership. Aysha’s workshops and coaching integrate the practical, visionary and artistic to foster healthier, more joyful relationships to Self, Others and Work.
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 p.m.: Business Coaching and Support Group at LifePath Center’s Garden Room. Cost: 200 pesos per class (drop-ins welcome) or 700 pesos for 4 classes, payable at the class.
Aysha is also available for One-on-One Business Coaching. For more info, visit her website or e-mail her at
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